Eye spy with my little eye, something beginning with…
I am sure a lot of us remember playing this game when we were younger. Maybe you still do now today with your children or grandchildren. A game to pass the time away and a game that does not need any board pieces; just you and as many players as you wish. Anyone can join in. What used to fascinate me about this game is how people would still find a way to cheat. You know I’m speaking to you!! Trying to come up with a letter to something that the other players really cannot see, or something so small, broad, or something silly not worth spying. The whole object of the game of course is to find and name something that everyone taking part can see, identify, and recognise, and therefore can name and sound it out. It is a game to keep you guessing. It’s very difficult to identify something we cannot see; Right!? Those are the rules of this game.
However, in life sometimes, it will keep you guessing trying to identify what is seen and unseen. There are moments you can name something because you can see it; and, then there are times when you cannot see something but does that mean it does not exist or has a name?
To the player spying on something unseen to others, it does exist in that person’s mind. It is real to them and as real to the point you can either touch, taste, or even smell it. You may have heard the saying; “When I see it, I believe it”. It is a phrase used quite often. Do we need to only believe when we can see something tangible though? Does that confirm to us psychologically that we are not going insane? What would you do if you believed in something you could not see with your mind’s eye? Will that thing still exist to you or not? There are many questions you could ask, but in all of this guessing, faith steps in. Faith is what’s used in the game of Eye Spy. To believe that the very thing you’re guessing is there and exists, even if you don’t see it yet. It is believing and saying to yourself with confidence and conviction that it is real, even when you cannot see it or touch it.
Sometimes in life, faith is required to believe and see the impossible become possible. For the unseen to become seen and tangible; even if it’s like having that childlike faith we once had when we were children and believing that anything is possible. There will be times in life when your faith will be called upon and sometimes in greater measure. I’m not just talking about religion and spirituality; I’m talking about FAITH. Having that complete trust and confidence in something or someone and having that conviction and assurance that it exists. Faith is having that complete freedom to be yourself and express who you are through what you believe. Faith is also seeing with another vision and perspective. This is what makes each of us different and unique, yet the same. Whatever you may face in life, faith can help you to bring more clarity to your situation, your problem, or your circumstance; to spy out the unseen and maybe hidden from you to make it visible to you.
When you find yourself in life and in moments to call out what you cannot see yet, don’t always think first to dismiss it as not being real. Think if there is another way of seeing something and believing in that thing, and hold steadfast to that conviction. Children have such faith and courage to believe when they are young. Their tiny minds are open to entertaining the impossible, but at that age, they may not know it to be impossible; because that is not what they see and know. As adults, we need to get back to the state of believing in what we cannot see yet, just like having childlike faith. When we do, it opens the door of possibilities to us.
Are you ready to play eye spy?👀