How many bags can you carry at any given time?
Are we the superhumans that society portrays us to be?
It is so easy to pick up bags along life’s journey. It is also easy to pick up other people’s bags as well. However, when it comes to placing those bags down, it is not so easy to do. With every step you take, you feel the weight of those bags getting heavier and heavier, yet you still pick up more and more as you go through life. Then all of a sudden, you begin to notice your body is aching; you’re physically, mentally, emotionally, and may be spiritually worn out. Everything is hurting. Your overall health starts to flatline and you don’t know how to jump-start yourself.
So, what should you do?
Drop the bags down!! Sounds simple doesn’t it? Put down the weight. Let it go. Au revoir; Dasvidaniya; Adios; Goodbye. How many bags can you carry at one time anyway? Decide what is important and what is the most and top priority in your life, and release the rest. Let go of what no longer serves its purpose in your life anymore. What does not make the list, drop it down straight away and let it go. When you pick up baggage in life, make sure they are your own. There’s too much going on in the world, in society, and in life in general, to be carrying yours and everyone else too. There is nothing wrong with helping someone with their loads, but only if you can carry it together with them and not alone by yourself. If not, then don’t! Stop picking up other people’s bags all the time like you are a taxi service. You are not an Uber or a U-Haul for that matter. Re-evaluate what you need to address now for yourself and your life; what you’re already carrying, what you need to place on hold, and what you need to get rid of. It can only take one or two extra loads to sink the Titanic!!
So, what does it mean anyway to carry bags?
Anything that will weigh you down, burden you, suppress you, limit and restrict you, and keep you bound and sometimes in bondage. It could be an emotion, a situation, an unfortunate circumstance, a person, or a material thing or possession. It can be anything or anyone that weighs you down mightily that you struggle to break free from and rise and walk away. It could be another person’s words bellowing at you like you are a sounding board, and depending on the words… words can hurt and cut deep. Words can hurt in the same way as someone physically touching you. Your bags could be the weight of problems that you’re carrying around with you, as you try to pigeonhole it somewhere but are not quite sure where. So, you carry it around with it, adding more and more as you go along; Yours and everyone else.
We are not superhumans as the films make us out to be these days. We need to step away from fiction and live in reality. In the real world. If anyone asks you to carry their bags - their loads, you’ll know what you need to do next time.
First, look at what you’re carrying to begin with, and then make a decision and an evaluation on whether you wish to help others or not and what you can carry or not. You decide! It is your choice to choose, not theirs. If you don’t want to carry someone else’s baggage for any reason, get used to hearing yourself say the word “NO”, and love the sound of it too. You may find yourself saying it quite often. You don’t have to say it rudely, however, do get used to how it sounds and how it makes you feel. I understand that in life sometimes we may find certain bags attached to us that we didn’t ask for. Baggage that is out of our control; I get that. It does happen. When this does happen to you, look at what you have in your hand at present and what you can work with for now. Look at what is worth carrying, fighting for, and accepting (even if it is for a brief moment), and what bags you need to put down; either temporarily or permanently. Look at the bags that you need to let go of to accommodate the ones without choice that you are lumbered with, so you have the time to address those first. You are assigning importance and priority to those bags and those heavy weights and loads.
As human beings, we are built with the capacity to carry heavy loads, but it does depend on a range of factors of who we are individually, what those loads are, where we’re going, and how we become affected by the weight.
Whatever the weight and size of your bag, you are not built and meant to carry those heavy loads around with you for far too long. Different bags will come in and out throughout your life; all shapes and sizes, styles, designers and brands, etc. However, you are learning how to deal with and handle those times when it happens, and how to prioritise what’s most important to you to focus on first. You don’t want to lose who you are in the process of being lost and consumed with all the baggage you’re carrying in life. So, when push comes to shove, what will you learn to do??
Drop the bags down!!🛍️