Love Is Love

A Walk On Love's Side

July 16, 20235 min read

I believe that one of the greatest power in the universe is LOVE. Love has the power to heal, tear down walls and boundaries, and allow you to be YOU. When we look at the world around us and the changes within society, we often see where there is a lack of love due to events taking place and the behaviour of others. A world where people and countries are fighting for power, authority, titles and positions; off the back of putting others down or keeping them held bound. A world where people are only focused on striving for fame, riches, material wealth, and the accumulation of more, but forget about charity, service, and reaching out to others in moments of need. A world where there is a presence of lack, famine, and poverty, and yet less empathy, care, concern, and advancement of providing a solution. A world where there is much pain, hurt, and suffering and someone fighting for their voice to be heard, but falls on deaf ears because of a lack of compassion. A world that focuses more on social classes and standing economically, causing a divide among society with no answers on how to bring people together as one. It is in moments like these, what we find that is most in need of but lacking, is the power of love. If there was more love in this world, this world would look and be like a much different place than we know of.


When I speak of this love, I’m talking about the love of Christ Jesus and not the love that is of this world which can at times be superficial and fake. I’m speaking of a love that is rooted in power, acceptance, compassion, healing, and life, and yet still corrects and disciplines us when we’ve lost our way, so we can be set free from being enslaved to bondage.  

When it also comes to love, it must begin with us. Knowing how to love and value ourselves first. Embracing ourselves and who we are as we walk in our individuality before we can begin to reach out to others in love. The changes we so desire to seek and see in this world must start and come from us. With love being at the root core of who we are, we can change and impact the world and nations by making a difference. Turning things that are impossible to possible, finding solutions to problems, as well as having the freedom to express ourselves and be all that we were created to be. Standing out as a person of purpose and destiny is what’s needed in this world as we ready ourselves to take a walk on Love’s Side.

What is stopping you from being a person of love?


When we see all the hurt, pain, suffering, and injustices taking place around us in the world, it can sometimes cause a person to desensitize and stop loving and caring and looking for a solution to it. Or, it can stir a person passionately to go all out in finding an answer to that problem and bring hope. It is in moments like this that we should be even more loving and caring, and show empathy and compassion to others and situations. A person who does not love or embrace it can cause a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blockage to form that can stump their growth and impede the healing that is needed to move their life forward. Learning and discovering how to open ourselves up to allow our hearts, mind, soul and spirit to operate and heal in love is like using a defibrillator to shock and bring us back to life.

Sometimes having a shock to our system can jumpstart and bring us back to the root core of our being in doing what we love, loving who we are, and giving and serving others in love. You do not need a map or GPS to take a walk down Love Street to see who needs our love. There is always someone out there we can reach out to and impact with our hearts and so much more. Love is free to give and it does not cost anything; well monetary value anyway.

Loving ourselves reminds us of who we are and what we desire most of all in our lives. It causes us to reflect, react, think, and wake up the passion that is within us. Love causes us to feel again after the hurt and pain had taken up residence in our life. It allows us to forgive ourselves and others of any wrongdoing, so we can be set free to live our life fully and abundantly. Love allows us to strive for more out of life in a fulfilling and impactful way. To recognise when we are full and content; When we need to share and give; But also when we’re in lack or need.


We all have our journeys to take in life. The pathways and highways we go down will take us all on different routes, and to different locations, places and destinations. While we are taking this life journey, please find the time to reflect on who you are now, whom you wish to become, where your life is now and going forward, and how you wish to be led. We cannot always follow the crowd on where they’re going and have us neglect our individuality. Evaluate if necessary where love is lacking within yourself and your life, and how you can reclaim that power back; The power of LOVE. It’s nice to give, but it’s even better when we can receive it too. As you continue to live life as YOU and hopefully to the full, you’ll find that others will be drawn and attracted to the love that you carry and what’s on the inside. Learn to be an embodiment of love and reflect that. Look to see where you can show it, give it, and be an example of it. Take a walk on Love’s Side when you get the chance and see where your life will lead you. You may find yourself surprised!!

Sending Love Your Way❤️

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Jennifer V M Williams

Mentor ★ Coach ★ Listening Ear ★ Author ★ Speaker

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